
Animais en Perigo /Animals in Danger.


This BLOG is about Endangered species in GALICIA.

Endangered Means There is Still Time”

 Images templates can be found at this link , "CATÁLOGO DE ESPECIES AMEAZADAS EN GALICIA".

 Unfortunately, there are many more you cannot see here.

 These images are made out  of magazines papers using "collage" technique. 

This will be our little contribution   to preserve life in  our Planet .

"...I think that we may not be able to save all the animals, but if all of us together contribute a grain of sand, we can achieve many things.

 Then the world in which we live will be a much better place.

Here are some things that we can do to help:

Preserve the natural habitat of animals

Recycle paper to prevent the destruction of forests, and plant new trees in communities

Don’t contaminate water with trash or toxic waste

Plant trees in communities"

(by Greenscreen web page)


  Text  about the animals will be added in the Next Future both in Galician ,English and any other language from Countries joining us in this Adventure.

 You can use them to create stories about them so that people don´t forget  the importance of preserving  Animal World.

Don´t forget to use tux paint to create new images for  happy ending stories.




URSUS ARCTOS-Oso Pardo-Brown Bear.

URSUS ARCTOS-Oso Pardo-Brown Bear.

by Mercedes Castaño 5th A

CHIOGLOSSA LUSITÁNICA-Saramaganta-Gold Striped-salamander

CHIOGLOSSA LUSITÁNICA-Saramaganta-Gold Striped-salamander

by Sergio 5th B



Hippocampus-CABALIÑO DE MAR-seahorse

Hippocampus-CABALIÑO DE MAR-seahorse

by Claudia Pérez 5thA

PELOBATES CULTRIPES-sapo de esporóns-Iberian Spadefoot Toad

PELOBATES CULTRIPES-sapo de esporóns-Iberian Spadefoot Toad

by Sandra Pérez 5thB

MYOTIS BECHSTEINI-morcego de bechsteini-Bechstein's bat

MYOTIS BECHSTEINI-morcego de bechsteini-Bechstein's bat

by Nicolás García 5th A

Anas crecca-CERCETA REAL-common teal

Anas crecca-CERCETA REAL-common teal

by Iria 5th B

Felis silvestris-GATO MONTÉS-wild cat

Felis silvestris-GATO MONTÉS-wild cat

by David Carballo 5thA

LARUS FUSCUS-Gaivota escura

LARUS FUSCUS-Gaivota escura

by Vicente Martín 5thA

GLIS GLIS-leirón rilón- fat or edible dormouse

GLIS GLIS-leirón rilón- fat or edible dormouse

by Carmelo Barreiro 5thA

BUBO BUBO-bufo real-Eurasian Eagle Owl

BUBO BUBO-bufo real-Eurasian Eagle Owl

by Noelia Márquez 5th B

CANIS LUPUS-lobo-wolf

CANIS LUPUS-lobo-wolf

by Miguel García 5th A

BOTAURUS STELLARIS-Abetouro común-Great Bittern

BOTAURUS STELLARIS-Abetouro común-Great Bittern

by Isabel Vila 5th A

Circaetus gallicus-aguia cobreira-Short-toed Eagle

Circaetus gallicus-aguia cobreira-Short-toed Eagle

by María David 5th A

ODONATA AESCHNIDAE-libeliña-spring blue darner-

ODONATA AESCHNIDAE-libeliña-spring blue darner-

by Sofía Barreiro

Anas Strepera-pato cincento-Gadwall

Anas Strepera-pato cincento-Gadwall

by Laura Diz 5th A

Lutra lutra-londra-otter

Lutra lutra-londra-otter

by Maria del Mar 5thB

Vipera latastei-Víbora fociñuda-Lataste's Viper

Vipera latastei-Víbora fociñuda-Lataste's Viper

by Ana Mª 5th A

Isobrychus minutus-garza pequena-Little Bittern

Isobrychus minutus-garza pequena-Little Bittern

by Andrea Esperón 5th A